
Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Hi Cantik!

Strobing.. pastinya masih agak asing ya membaca kata tersebut? Well don’t be! I'm here to give you the shortest details about what is Strobing?

Strobing is the latest and the greatest beauty make up trend that I love and everyones raved about it. Untuk kamu yang sudah pernah baca artikel sejenis lainnya, mungkin sulit untuk dimengerti karena muter-muter malah jadi bingung. Pada dasarnya Strobing adalah highlighting It’s the simple application of highlights placed on the face to increase the presence of light.
Courtesy. Google

Jadi apa yang bikin beda dengan standard highlight? Kenapa jadi trend? Nah strobing it’s a more dewy, it has a moist finish to the skin, it looks very luminous and very fresh and it tend to use liquid or creams product to give the skin a real “dewy” moist skin feel.

Sekarang sudah banyak beauty company yang mengeluarkan produk bertema strobing (ex MAC), but just remember the point of strobing is highlighting.

How to Strobing

First apply moisturizer to the skin as a base to give moisture and glow to the skin. Apply liquid or cream highlighter on the cheek bones, bridge of the nose, centre of the forehead, cupids bow, and above you eyebrows. 

Setelah sudah set, aplikasikan foundation menggunakan stippling brush atau sponge. Jangan dioles ya cantik, gunakan stippling motion or dabbing motion (ditepuk-tepuk) supaya highlighter-nya tidak hilang.

Step terakhir adalah powdering, hanya perlu sedikit loose powder, powder only in the strategic area. Lightly dust your forehead, around the nose, underneath the eye, and lips (tidak pada bagian yang sudah diberi highlighter).

And there you go! You will get a beautiful glowing skin from the underneath without looking like a disco ball. Personally I really really like this strobing techniques, because I'm not a person who likes heavy or full makeup look and with this I can get healthy, sexy, glowing from the inside skin look instantly.. everyday.. YAY!

Laters xx,

Si Brunette

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